Supplementing with amino acids can be a quick fix, but a long term plan. For achieving required serotonin levels without supplements we are here to help.

A large body of evidence supports the idea that exercise is associated with an increase in tryptophan availability to the brain. In the Hormone Club we are practicing many of these kind of exercise routines. 

There are tryptophan rich foods as well that you can start increasing in your diet; and activities that increase serotonin levels, like exercise, massage, etc.

Check out how the Hormone Club can help you. It's quite awesome for just 37€ a month.

Here you can ask your related questions, I'm happy to answer: 




Would supplementing with tryptophan help?

(Do you experience these symptoms recently, like in the past month? Count your positive answers, how many times you answer with "yes"!)

  1. Anxiety
  2. Irritability

  3. Winter blues or seasonal affective disorder

  4. Negativity or depression

  5. Suicidal thoughts

  6. Excessive self-criticism

  7. Low self-esteem and poor self-confidence

  8. PMS or menopausal mood swings

  9. Sensitivity to hot weather

  10. Hyperactivity

  11. Anger or rage

  12. Digestive issues

  13. Fibromyalgia, temporomandibular joint syndrome, or other pain syndromes

  14. Difficulty getting to sleep

  15. Insomnia or disturbed sleep

  16. Afternoon or evening cravings for carbs, alcohol or drugs

  17. Panic attacks or phobias
  18. Feeling worried or fearful
  19. Obsessive thoughts or behaviours
  20.  Perfectionism or being overly controlling


 If you scored more than 5 points a quick fix could be of your favour like taking tryptophan supplement for a short while. Don't take tryptophan if pregnant or nursing, if you have ulcer, severe liver or kidney problems or asthma. If you start taking the supplement,  start changing your lifestyle so that your natural serotonin production will be ideal by the time you get off the tryptophan.  E.g. eat more tryptophan containing ingredients.)