
Low Catecholamines?

Catecholamines are neurotransmitters, hormones made by your adrenal glands to handle physical or emotional stress. When you are low on catecholamines (dopamine, norepinephrine) you will introduce compensating habits or you will be missing out on other things in life. This can be corrected by a simple supplement, so be honest with your answers. It's not a psychological evaluation. No one sees your answers, it's only for you!  

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Question 1 of 10

Do you feel sometimes like walking around in pyjama all day long? Or just that you don't want to get out of bed at all? Do you feel depressed sometimes? (once a week or more)





Question 2 of 10

If a limp bagger struggling himself to your car window at a red traffic light, do you feel uncomfortable? 


Yes, definitely, even if I don't give anything.


Why would I, I've got my own problems.

Question 3 of 10

After starting an activity do you get bored quickly?


Yes, sometimes or often.


No, never or at least it's not typical at all.

Question 4 of 10

Do you experience often that this is it, you can't get through your next task without a miracle, without something to drink / eat or without taking a break. 


Yes, I've got that every afternoon / day or at least twice a week.


Never, only If I'm falling sick.

Question 5 of 10

Are these questions, statements crossing your mind regularly? : "What for shall I do this all?" "Why would I finish this now?" " I'd rather do this another time..." 


No, once I do something I'm fully engaged.


No, If I have to do something it's better not to think too much / I don't care if I get paid for it.


Yes, I feel lack of motivation often.

Question 6 of 10

Is daydreaming, forgetfulness typical of you?


Yes, I'm often absentminded, or just can't finish things.


No, I'm most of the times focused and able to do my best, at least I'm trying hard usually with consistent good results.

Question 7 of 10

When you have to do something demanding, something that even by the thought stresses you out (cleaning up your cupboard, filling in your tax papers, calling up some family member whom you don't wish to talk,  etc) you tend to keep postponing, leaving it for later, for the day next, and the day next again for an other day, etc.


No, I like getting off uncomfortable tasks from my to do list as soon as possible. Just finish, check and move on to better things.


Yes, I procrastinate often. I always hope something will save me from doing those uncomfortable duties until the deadline finally hitting or sometimes even later.

Question 8 of 10

Can you easily decide when you have different choices?


Usually not. I need time / I need to collect all information on the planet before taking decisions / No, because I need to ask others advice first, which is time consuming.


Yes, all day long I'm taking decisions. It's not a big deal.


Yes. It's not often that I have to decide about something, but when I have to, I just trust my guts.

Question 9 of 10

Are you easily tempted to eat a piece of chocolate or other sweets, drink a glass of alcoholic beverage to ease on your day?


Yes, I can't survive without it.


No, I'm fine without it 6 days out of 7.

Question 10 of 10

Can you get through the day without coffee or other energy drink?


Absolutely, I never drink coffee or other energy drinks / Or I drink it only occasionally for socialising.


No, I can't survive a day without at least 1 coffee or other energy drink.

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